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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Diaper Dookie and All Things Poopy

Today, we are rising to ask the all important question that every American Mother wants to know...

Are all diapers created equal?

Recently, a new mommy asked me, "Which type of diapers should I use?"

Many new moms stand in front of the vast diaper isle unsure of how each brand is different. After all, there is no button where you can phone and friend and find out their experiences with each type. So, allow me to be your guide through the exciting, and sometimes messy world of baby diapers.

Parents Choice
This brand of diapers has an ironic name, as every single mother I've ever asked said that they would never chose this brand if their lives depended on it! This diaper leaks urine and poop, even in small doses! Especially in infants and young babies (0-3 mo). This diaper is ill fitting, not absorbent, and just plain messy. When children hit the 3-6mo mark, they seem to work slightly better, but not by much.
Personal Experience
After trying this diaper for a week, I can honestly say that parents choice makes you a fashion don't because numerous times, I was holding my diaper and poo or wee leaked out of the diaper and onto my shirt. Once, I went to pick my daughter up from her car seat only to reach in and find a puddle of poop that had gotten everywhere when her parents choice diaper failed to hold anything in! It was a miserable week, and in the end.. this parents.. doesn't chose parents choice.

These are a step up from parents choice! For the price you pay, they better be! They do hold in poop fairly well. This is a plus for many mommies and daddies everywhere. However, they do have a downside, they don't adjust well to babies movement, so they leak urine often. I also found that you had to change your baby often because they are only mildly absorbent. Some people wouldn't consider this a bad thing, after all, frequent diaper changing only benefits the cleanliness of the child. However, this logic fails to consider the price of diapers during these hard times. When you change a diapers every thirty minutes or more, you're wasting time and money.Some part of me wonders if it's a bit of a conspiracy to ensure that their diapers sell better. But, that's probably simple paranoia. A more logical answer is that they just aren't as absorbent as most active babies need to stay dry for a reasonable amount of time.

After trying Huggies and Parent Choice, I wanted to write a love letter to Pampers! Seriously, sometimes you get what you pay for, but Pampers is the best of all worlds. A) they usually have decent coupons out there to cut the price dramatically. B) They hold in all Poop and Urine for a reasonable amount of time C) they fit (size appropriate) babies perfectly. For my infant, they have the cut out so that her little belly button won't get irritated or rubbed. For a little bit older baby, they have a strong sealing power around the legs and waste that won't let marks or leak on your child!

So, the votes are in... This Motivated Mommy suggests.....

PAMPERS!!!!! (If you want to stay clean, dry, smelling good, with a full wallet.. pampers is your brand!)

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